
New english videos has been uploaded

24.6.2024 were uploaded english version of installation manual and promo video to Vektiva youtube channel. Have a look here.

Article about Smarwi on ŽIVĚ.CZ

At the end of march 2024 has been released an article about SMARWI on web In the article you can see how you can make a ventilation fully automatic :-)


Discover advantageous SMARWI sets

Do not freeze and still enjoy fresh air! Get SMARWI to more rooms at once, for example to livingroom, bathroom and bedroom and save almost 9% of total costs with our advantageous Smarwi sets!

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Safety button function actualization

We have updated safety button function based on your requests. Simply control your window by single click. Hold the button longer (2 secs) to run/stop your plans.

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