Reduction of moisture and mold

Insufficient ventilation boosts formation of moisture and associated odor, stiffness, molding and other negative effects.
Insufficient ventilation boosts formation of moisture and associated odor, stiffness, molding and other negative effects.
SMARWI is able to close your windows based on online weather forecast.
During months when the outside temperature is low, we want to get fresh air into the beadroom but not falling a sleep to avoid room overcooling.
Your return from holiday does not have to be into a dull apartment.
Nyní můžete snadno přidat SMARWI do svého OpenHab řešení.
Now you can easily add SMARWI into your OpenHab solution.
Sudden rain can surprise us. With remote control, windows with SMARWI can be closed at any time, whether you are at work, on vacation or shopping.
During warm days of summer, we need to prevent hot air from entering the living space(from the moment the sun heats the environment) and on the other hand, ventilate intensively once the temperature drops.
Plan you window to close just before the streets around you wake up and become noisy.
Regular scheduled ventilation is important in spaces with high moisture. Or you can ventilate on demand by single click of a button.
Limited access to windows in bathrooms, changing rooms, kitchens and many other areas is a common problem.
If you own a voice assistant such as Google Home or Amazon Alexa, you can control SMARWI using voice commands